Baidoa to host more capacity building courses

Thursday November 28, 2019 - 18:25:01
Super Admin
Somali Football Federation is set to organize more capacity building courses in the city of Baidoa, South West State of Somalia. The courses are part of Somali Football Federation [SFF] regional development scheme and will take place in the second week of December 2019.

Football administrators, referees and coaches from all over the South West State of Somalia will undergo a five-day marathon training sessions which are intended to better themselves with more football knowledge and skills, according to Somali Football Federation vice president for regional development, Abdullahi Sheik Nor.

"As shown in our annual plan, we were intending to host the same courses in the Hir-Shabelle State, but due to the deadly flooding which left more cities under water, we have decided to post pone the trainings that were due to take place in Hir-Shabelle State” Vice president Nor, said.

"SFF is playing a big role in the ongoing life-saving efforts in this state, as we are currently involved in the humanitarian campaign in the region and when the situation returns to normal, the football development courses will take place” Somali Football Federation vice president for regional development, Abduulahi Shek Nor, explained.

Somali Football Federation Media Department

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